International Anti-corruption Day

International Anti-corruption Day is held on 9 December each year. Read on to find out more about what you can do to reduce corruption.

International Anti-corruption Day

International Anti-corruption Day is held on 9 December each year.

Fighting corruption is an international concern—it hurts everyone.

Corruption erodes the trust people have in the public sector to act in our best interests. It wastes public money meant for providing important community services and projects.

The Victorian Inspectorate supports this annual campaign to take a positive and proactive stance against corruption. Preventing corruption, promoting transparency and strengthening integrity are key to a just society.

What you can do

Register for the International Anti-corruption day webinar being facilitated by IBAC

Report corruption or other misconduct by public bodies or public officers within the public sector

Watch our short information video about how to make a public interest disclosure

More information

International Anti-Corruption Day is led by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the UN Development Programme.
