Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) gives you the right to request access to some records we hold.

Before you make a freedom of information (FOI) request

It is important for you to know that access to a large number of our documents and other information is limited by the application of exclusions provided for under section 102 of the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011 (VI Act).

The FOI Act does not apply to documents in the possession of the VI or a VI officer, to the extent that document discloses information that relates to:

  • a complaint made under the VI Act
  • an inspection made under the VI Act
  • an investigation conducted under the VI Act
  • a recommendation made by the VI under the VI Act
  • a report, including a progress report, on an investigation conducted under the VI Act

The exemptions also apply to the above information where it is in the possession of other relevant persons or bodies.

We already publish a range of information on our website. You may be able to find the information you need without having to make an FOI request.

The Freedom of Information Part II Information Statements (below) describe how the Victorian Inspectorate (VI) makes information readily available to the public. Providing easily accessible information reduces the need for the public to submit requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).

How to make an FOI request to us

Under section 17 of the FOI Act, documents may be obtained by making a formal request in writing which clearly sets out the information you are seeking, providing enough detail so we can identify any relevant documents.

In summary, the requirements for making an FOI request are:

  • it must be in writing, in the form of a letter
  • it should identify as clearly as possible which document/s is being requested
  • it must be accompanied by the appropriate application fee (the fee may be waived in certain circumstances).

Submitting your request

Download and complete the FOI request form

FOI request form
Word 213.69 KB
(opens in a new window)

Mail your written request, identification (i.e. driver licence, passport or birth certificate) and the appropriate application fee, in the form of a cheque or money order made out to Department of Justice and Community Safety (Victorian Inspectorate).

If an application is being made by your lawyer or representative, please provide a signed authority from you.

Your request can be sent to:

Victorian Inspectorate
PO Box 617
Collins Street West, Melbourne Victoria 8007

Alternatively, you may send your request by email to and post the application fee. Your application will be processed on receipt of the application fee (unless you have requested a fee waiver and the fee has been waived).

For more information on how to make a freedom of information request, refer to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC).

Fees and access charges

Fees and charges are determined by the FOI Act and the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014.

A statutory fee of $32.70 (as of 1 July 2024) applies for all FOI requests. This fee is subject to an increase on 1 July every year.

If you are seeking a waiver of the application fee, please provide evidence that payment would cause you financial hardship, such as a health care card.

The FOI Act allows us to charge, where reasonable, for access to documents. We will tell you if this applies and what the charges will be.

Please note if you are asking for copies of your own personal documents, the application fee and access charges will not apply.

For more information, refer to the OVIC’s Freedom of Information access charges calculator.

What happens to your request?

Once we receive your freedom of information request and the application fee, we must respond to you in writing no later than 30 days outlining the decision on your request. This may be extended to 45 days if the VI needs to consult with other people or organisations.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of a decision or have a complaint about the handling of your request, you may request a review of our decision by the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.

The OVIC website provides further information and forms for requesting reviews of freedom of information decisions.

Request an amendment

If a document is released to you and it contains your personal information, you are entitled to request a correction or amendment to that document if you believe the information in the document is:

  • inaccurate
  • incomplete
  • out of date
  • would give a misleading impression.

If we agree to amend a record, the correction or amendment may only take the form of altering the record or placing a notation in the original document.

Any application to correct or amend the record must be in writing. The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s website includes an amendment request form.

Only next of kin can make a request on behalf of another person. Personal identification is required to make the amendment.

To access the amendment request form and for further information about requesting an amendment refer to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner website.

Need more information about FOI requests?

Visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner's website.

If you have specific questions you want to ask us about freedom of information, or would like to find out more about what information we can legally provide, please contact us:
